The Learn More 365 Resource Library

Use the filter below to find what you'd like to learn or download.

Titles, axis labels, legends and annotations with ggplot
Create faceted plots with ggplot
An overview of data visualization with ggplot
Global Health jobs cheat sheet
Creating annotations using ggplot
Global Health funding agencies
Public Health funding agencies
Free Video: Qualitative Research Methods
Free Video: How to Write a Scientific paper
Free Video: Top 10 Organizations to Work for in Global Health
Free Video: Cohort Studies and Case Control Studies
Free Video: Next Pandemic
Free Video: Age-Standardized Mortality
Free Video: Linear Regression
Free Video: Public Health Ethics
Free Video: Understanding missing data and missing values
Free Video: Manipulate your Data
Free Video: Recoding Data
Free Video: Hypothesis Testing
Free Video: T-test, ANOVA and Chi Squared test made easy
Free Video: Risk, Rate and Odds
Free Video: Systematic Literature Review and Meta Analysis
Free Video: Linear Regression made easy
Free Video: Public Health Ethics
Free Video: Visualize your data using ggplot
Free Video: Pivot Longer & Pivot Wider
Free Video: Doing a t-test using R programming in 4 minutes
Free Video: Clean your Data with R
Free Video: Explore your data using R programming
Certificate in Data Analysis using R
Certificate in Data Visualization using R
Certificate in Advanced Data Visualization using R
Certificate in Applied Public Health
How to Review the Medical Literature using Nested Knowledge
An Introduction to Qualitative Research
How to Create Video Teaching Content

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